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賴俊吉 教授兼工學院副院長及碳中和暨能源科技研究中心主任



  • 日本東北大學土木工學科博士
  • 日本東北大學土木工學科碩士
  • 國立成功大學環境工程系學士


  • 電話 : (07) 6011000 轉 32323
  • 信箱 : lay@nkust.edu.tw
  • 傳真 : (07)6011061


  • 國立高雄第一科技大學環境與安全衛生工程系 副教授
  • 國立高雄第一科技大學環境與安全衛生技術系 助理教授
  • 美國愛荷華州立大學厭氧研究中心助理研究員
  • 日本科學技術振興事業團戰略基礎研究推進事業研究員


  • 生物製劑生產與應用
  • 環境生物修復
  • 廢水生物處理
  • 固體物厭氧醱酵
  • 實驗設計與迴歸分析


  • 有機毒性廢水厭氧處理程序(UASB,EGSB,FluidizedBed)
  • 厭氧處理程序的微生物發展控制
  • 環境污染控制對地球溫暖化的影響
  • 湖泊底泥及垃圾掩埋場中微生物代謝反應
  • 高濃度及高效率污泥處理(卵型汙泥厭氧醱酵程序)
  • 生物系統的數值統計分析
  • 生垃圾的厭氧沼氣醱酵程序
  • 生垃圾的厭氧氫醱酵程序

期刊論文(Referred Journal Articles)

* Corresponding author.
  1. Lay, J.J., Lee, Y. J. and Noike, T. (1999) Feasibility of biological hydrogen production from organic fraction of municipal solid waste, Water Res. 33(11), 2579-2586.
  2. Lay, J.J., Li, Y.Y. and Noike, T. (1999) Interaction between homoacetogens and methanogens in lake sediments, J. Ferment. Technol.
  3. Lay, J.J. and Noike, T. (1999) Hydrogen production and degradation of cellulose by anaerobic digested sludge, J. Environ. Syst. and Eng. JSCE (in press)
  4. Shang, Y.Y., Lay, J.J. and Sung, S. (1999) Anaerobic mineralization of cellulose by temperature phase reactor, Water Environ. Res. (in press).
  5. Lay, J.J. and Cheng, S.S. (1998) Influence of hydraulic loading rate on UASB reactor treating phenolic wastewater, J. Environ. Eng. ASCE. 124(9), 829-837.
  6. Lay, J.J., Li, Y.Y. and Noike, T. (1998) Mathematical model for methane production from landfill bioreactor, J. Environ. Eng. ASCE 124(8), 730-736.
  7. Lay, J.J., Li, Y.Y. and Noike, T. (1998) The influences of pH and ammonia concentration on the methane production in high-solids digestion, Water Environ. Res. 70(5), 1075-1082.
  8. Lay, J.J., Li, Y.Y. and Noike, T. (1998) Developments of bacterial population and methanogenic activity in a landfill bioreactor, Water Res. 32(12), 3673-3679.
  9. Lay, J.J., Li, Y.Y. and Noike, T. (1998) Dynamics of methanogenic activities in a landfill bioreactor treating organic fraction of municipal solid wastes, Water Sci. Technol. 38(2), 177-184.
  10. Lay, J.J., Li, Y.Y. and Noike, T. (1997) The influences of pH and moisture content on the methane production in high-solids sludge digestion, Water Res. 31(6), 1518-1524.
  11. Lay, J.J., Li, Y.Y., Noike, T., Endo, J. and Ishimoto, S. (1997) Analysis of environmental factors affecting methane production from high-solids organic waste, Water Sci. Technol. 36(6-7), 493-500.
  12. Lay, J.J., Miyahara, T. and Noike, T. (1996) Methane release rate and methanogenic bacterial population in lake sediments, Water Res. 30(4), 901-908.
  13. Lay, J.J., Li, Y.Y. and Noike, T. (1996) Effect of moisture content and chemical nature on methane fermentation characteristics of municipal solid wastes, J. Environ. Syst. and Eng. JSCE, 552/VII-1, 101-108.
  14. Wen, T.C., Cheng, S.S. and Lay, J.J. (1994) A kinetic model of a recirculated upflow anaerobic sludge blanket treating phenolic wastewater, Water Environ. Res. 66(6), 794-799.
  15. Cheng, S.S., Huang S.Y., Lay, J.J. and Tsai, P.S. (1992) Population dynamics of attached biofilm in anaerobic fluidized bed pilot plant, Water Sci. Technol. 26(3-4), 794-799.
  16. Cheng, S.S. Lay, J.J., Wei, Y.T., Wu, M.H., Roam, G.D. and Chang, T.C. (1990) A modified UASB process UASB process treatment winery wastewater, Water Sci. Technol. 22, 167-174.

