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陳強琛 教授



  • 國立台灣大學 化學工程學所 博士
  • 國立台灣大學 化學工程學所 碩士
  • 國立台灣大學 化學工程學系 學士



  • 國立高雄第一科技大學環境與安全衛生工程系 副教授
  • 南亞塑膠公司,1988.10 ~ 1990.07 擴建主辦
  • 工研院環境與安全衛生中心,1997.08 ~ 2001.04 研究員
  • 經濟部標準檢驗局,2001.05 ~ 2005.09 技士、技正
  • 中國醫藥大學職業安全與衛生學系,2005.10 ~ 2009.07 助理教授、副教授


  • 程序控制
  • 化工製程安全
  • 量化危害風險分析
  • 多變量異常偵測與預測技術


  • 燃燒界線之理論模式
  • 自燃點之理論模式與實驗方法
  • 燃燒特性之QSAR模式

期刊論文(Referred Journal Articles)

* Corresponding author.
  1. Chen C. C., T. C. Wang, H. J. Liaw and H. C. Chen, Nitrogen dilution effect on the flammability limits for hydrocarbons, 2009, J. of Hazardous Materials, 166, pp.880–890. (SCI) (2007, IF =2.337, 1/88, #NSC 97-2221-E-039-006)
  2. Chen C. C., H. J. Liaw, T. C. Wang and C. Y. Lin, Carbon dioxide dilution effect on flammability limits for hydrocarbons, 2009, J. of Hazardous Materials, 163, pp.795–803. (SCI) (2007, IF =2.337, 1/88, #NSC 96-2221-E-039-001 and #CMU 96-152)
  3. Chang Y. M., J. C. Lee, S. Y. Wu, C. C. Chen and C. M. Shu, Elevated pressure and temperature effects on flammability hazard assessment for acetone and water solution, 2009, J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 95 (2), pp. 525–534. (SCI) (2007, IF =1.483, 64/111)
  4. Chen C. C., H. J. Liaw and Y. Y. Kuo, Prediction of autoignition temperatures of organic compounds by the structural group contribution approach, 2009, J. of Hazardous Materials, 162, pp.746-762. (SCI) (2007, IF =2.337, 1/88, #NSC 96-2221-E-039-001 and #CMU 96-152)
  5. Chen C. C., H. P. Huang and H. J. Liaw, Set-point weighted PID controller tuning for time-delayed unstable processes, 2008, I&EC Research, 47, pp. 6983-6990. (SCI) (2007, IF =1.749, 18/114, #CMU95-178) (環工學門重點期刊)
  6. Liaw H. J., W. H. Lua, V. Gerbaud, C. C. Chen, Flash-point prediction for binary partially miscible mixtures of flammable solvents, 2008, J. of Hazardous Materials, 153, pp. 1165-1175. (SCI) (2007, IF =2.337, 1/88)
  7. Huang, H. P. and C. C. Chen, Auto-tuning of PID Controllers for Second Order Unstable Process Having Dead time , 1999, J. of Chem. Eng. of Japan, 32(4), pp.486-497. (SCI) (2007, IF =0.594, 67/114, cited no. = 11)
  8. Huang, H. P. and C. C. Chen, On Stabilizing a Time Delayed Unstable Process, 1997, J. Chin. I. Chem. Engrs., 28(4), pp.289-299. (SCI) (2007, IF =0.431, 84/114, cited no. = 6) (The Best Paper Award)
  9. Huang, H. P. and C. C. Chen, Control System Synthesis for Open-loop Unstable Process, 1997, IEE Proc.- Control Theory Appli., 144(4), pp.334-346. (SCI) (2007, IF =1.045, 80/227, cited no. = 41)
  10. Huang, H. P. and C. C. Chen, A New Approach To Identify Low Order Model For Process Having Single Unstable Pole, 1997, System Analysis, Modeling and Simulation, 29, pp.163-187. (EI 2003停刊, cited no. = 3)
  11. Chen C. C., T. Z Wang, H.J. Liaw and H.C. Chen, Theoretical Model for Predicting the Upper Flammability Limit of Hydrocarbons Diluted with Nitrogen, (2008) Progress in Safety Science and Technology (vol. VII), p1249-1255. (EI)
  12. Wang T.Z., C.C. Chen, H.J. Liaw and H.C. Chen, Carbon Dioxide Dilution Effect on Lower Flammablility Limits for Flammable Material Containing Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen Atoms, (2008) Progress in Safety Science and Technology (vol. VII), p1266-1272. (EI)
  13. 陳強琛、游輝祥,現場量測數據的應用---淺介數據調諧之理論與應用,1997,工業安全科技,25,pp. 32-38.
  14. 陳強琛,現場量測數據的應用(Ⅲ)---批次製程異常偵測,1998,工業安全科技,26,pp. 10-15.
  15. 陳強琛、游輝祥,統計程序控制於化學工業之應用,1999,化工技術,72期,pp.194 – 201.
  16. 游輝祥、陳強琛,批次反應製程異常偵測研究,2001,化工技術,9卷3期,pp.172 – 181.
  17. 陳強琛、陳明煌,商品比較試驗摘要報告-加油站贈送之面紙,2004,標準與檢驗 ,61期,pp.80 – 89.
  18. 陳強琛、林慶鑫、林柏廷,低硫液態油品含硫量檢驗法之差異性比較,2005,標準與檢驗 ,79期,pp.21 – 43.

研討會論文(Conference papers)

  1. Wang, T. Z*., Chen, C. C. and Fan S. R., Predicting the upper flammability limits of alkane diluted with inert gas, 2008 Taiwan/Korea/Japan ChE Conference, 2008, November 20-22, p13, Taipei, Taiwan.
  2. Liu, S. H., Han, Z. H., Chen, C. C.* and Hsieh, Y. C., Exploring autoignition characteristics for alcohols”, 2008 Taiwan/Korea/Japan ChE Conference, 2008, November 20-22, p157, Taipei, Taiwan.
  3. 謝硯丞、陳強琛,可燃性液體閃火點與爆炸下限預測誤差來源之探討,2008環境污染控制評估研討會,新竹,中華民國九十七年。
  4. Chen, C. C., H. J. Liaw and Y. Y. Kuo, Prediction of autoignition temperatures for organic compounds by the structure group contribution approach, Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety 2007, October 30 – November 2, 2007, pp.7-13, Busan, Korea.
  5. 陳強琛、陳惠楚、王子奇,氮體惰化對碳氫化合物爆炸上限之影響,工業安全衛生論文研討會,pp.423 – 432,台北,中華民國九十六年。
  6. 蔡宜珍、陳強琛、傅家溱、劉上豪,矽化合物閃火點預測模式之研究,工業安全衛生論文研討會,pp.433 – 442,台北,中華民國九十六年。
  7. Chen, C. C. and H. F. Chin, Hazard risk management system of import foods in Taiwan”, International Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, April 2006, pp.128, Taipei.
  8. 陳強琛、郭毓宥,有機物質自燃溫度預測模式,95年程序系統工程研討會,pp.303-311,台北,中華民國九十五年。
  9. H. S. You, J. H. Lin, C. C. Chen, G. B. Wang, D. G. Lin and A. G. Su, A Real-time Yield Prediction Scheme Using Wafer Acceptance Test Datar, 2000, PSE ASIA 2000, International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Next Generation Chemical Plants, December 6-8, 2000, Kyoto, Japan
  10. H. S. You and C. C. Chen, On-line Monitoring of a PMMA Reactor, 1998, IFAC Workshop on On-line Fault Detection and Supervision for the Chemical Process Industries, June 4-5, 1998, France, session 3B.
  11. Huang, H. P. and C. C. Chen, Auto-tuning for Process Having Single Unstable Pole, IEEE Singapore International Symposium On Control Theory and Applications, July, 1997, Singapore, pp.147-151.
  12. Huang, H. P. and C. C. Chen, Control System Design for Open-loop Unstable Process Having Time Delay---A Three Block Approach, CESA'96 IMACS Multi-conference, 1996, France, pp.619-624.
  13. Huang, H. P. and C. C. Chen, Identification of Low Order Models for Process Having Single Unstable Pole, The Second Kyushu-Taipei International Congress On Chemical Engineering, Feb., 1997, Japan, pp. 109-114.
  14. Huang, H. P. and C. C. Chen, Stabilizability of Time-delayed Unstable Process, CIChE Semiannual Meeting on Computer Process Control, 1996, Taipei, pp.351-358.
  15. Huang, H. P. and C. C. Chen, PID Controller Tuning for Time-delayed Unstable Process, CIChE Semiannual Meeting on Computer Process Control, 1992, Taipei, pp.118-127
  16. 陳強琛, 現場量測數據之應用-數據調諧, CIChE Semiannual Meeting on Computer Process Control, 1997, Taipei, pp.130-133.
  17. 王國彬、陳強琛、游輝祥、陳俊瑜,統計程序控制於化學工業上的應用,程序控制工業應用研討會,1999年4月,高雄.
  18. 陳強琛,多變量統計方法於現代檢測分析上的應用,第六屆中華民國實驗室管理與認證論文發表會,2001年11月,台北.
  19. 陳強琛、劉勝男,食品器具、容器、包裝中過錳酸鉀消耗量之量測不確定度分析,第七屆中華民國實驗室管理與認證論文發表會,2002年12月,台北.
  20. 陳強琛、林慶鑫,以X-射線螢光儀檢測無鉛汽油含鉛量之量測不確定度評估,第八屆中華民國實驗室管理與認證論文發表會,2003年12月,新竹.

