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陳政任 特聘教授、南區毒災應變諮詢中心主任



  • 英國倫敦大學帝國學院化工博士(PhD, Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK)
  • 英國倫敦大學帝國學院化工碩士(MSc with Distinction, Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK)
  • 國立台北工專化工科畢業(Diploma, Chemical Engineering, National Taipei Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan)


  • 電話 : (07)6011000 轉 32355 或 32314
  • 信箱 : jrc@nkust.edu.tw
  • 傳真 : (07)6011061、(07)6011330


  • 國立高雄科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系 特聘教授
  • 國立高雄第一科技大學 副校長
  • 國立高雄第一科技大學 工學院院長
  • 國立高雄第一科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系 系主任
  • 國立高雄第一科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系 副教授、教授、特聘教授
  • 環保署/高科大合設南區毒災應變諮詢中心 主任
  • 工研院 工業安全衛生技術發展中心 製程安全設計研究室 經理
  • 工研院 工業安全衛生技術發展中心 研究員
  • 國立台灣大學 應用力學研究所 博士後研究員


  • 化工製程:製程放大、研發與安全設計、緊急排放系統評估與設計、火災與爆炸防制、意外事故調查
  • 半導體製程:製程安全評估、製程尾氣分析與控制、半導體氣體安全
  • 化學災害應變:應變程序、災害現場偵檢、災後除污、處理與復原


  • 製程危害行為分析與控制 – 範圍包含化工製程、特化原料藥、與半導體/光電製程之危害分析,過去曾承接臺灣神隆、聯電等公司之委託計畫,也發表多篇中英文論文,包括2002年印行之Process Safety Progress (21, 19-25, 2002) 論文:「Characteristics of Fire and Explosion in Semiconductor Fabrication Processes」,即是由聯電之委託計畫所衍生撰寫的。2005年11月,國內某大太陽能電池廠發生重大矽甲烷爆炸事故,計畫主持人參與了事故的應變與後續的調查,初步結果已發表於「Analysis of a Silane Explosion in a Photovoltaic Fabrication Plant」Process Safety Prog., 25, 237-244 (2006),此事故也引發了個人對矽甲烷外洩行為的關注,2006年5月,個人結合了氣體公司以實場進行矽甲烷外洩行為的測試,這是首次矽甲烷高壓瓶閥外洩之研究,研究本身有相當之潛在風險,在每次測試前皆先進行工作安全分析、並配合場地安排測試設備,終於順利完成,其結果「Field Tests of Release, Ignition and Explosion from Silane Cylinder Valves」也發表於Process Safety Prog., 26, 265-282 (2007)。而後在國科會的支持下,持續進行矽甲烷外洩引燃行為的測試,確認矽甲烷外洩不會立即引燃是因自燃反應核心受到高流速的冷卻所致,此成果已投稿並被接受兩篇SCI論文,並在2009年5月獲邀到美國半導體環保、安全衛生協會擔任矽烷安全課程的講師,顯示計畫主持人之研究團隊已具有豐富之經驗可執行高危害性之研究,未來將持續深入此方面之研究。此外計畫個人也持續與俄籍老師Pavel Fomin持續合作,在氣泡爆炸、爆轟波的抑制上做更深入的理論探討,這些理論探討都有助於進一步強化個人在解構實際危害問題的深度。
  • 高危害性製程之研發與本質安全化 – 主要針對高危害性化工製程進行安全操作極限之探討,以找尋本質較安全之操作條件或方法,過去曾承接中石化公司之委託計畫,特別針對氧化反應之危害進行探討,並在環己烷氧化系統有突破性的發現,已由中石化公司申請並或得台灣專利,成果論文「A Novel Process of Autoxidation of Cyclohexane Using Pure Oxygen」並發表於Org. Process Res. Dev.( 8, 252-255,2004)。此外在國科會資助下完成的高壓高溫爆炸測試裝置更是顛覆傳統之爆炸鋼球測試裝置,可簡易、安全的操作高壓高溫爆炸測試,這部分結果論文「Simple and Safe Method for Determining Explosion Limits at Elevated Pressures」已發表於AIChE Journal (49, 2427-2 432, 2003),近兩年在國科會資助下對環己烷氧化危害進行深入之分析,並完成論文「An Inherently Safer Process of Cyclohexane Oxidation Using Pure Oxygen – An Example of How Better Process Safety Leads to Better Productivity」 Process Safety Prog., 23, 72-81 (2004),與高壓高溫的氣泡之爆炸測試之研究成果「Experimental Studies of Ignition and Explosion in Cyclohexane Liquid under Oxygen Oxidation Conditions」亦刊登於Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (18, 97-106,2005)。另外在接受中石化公司所委託之丙烯醋酸氧化研究計畫下亦完成、發表觸媒催化下對爆炸界限之影響之研究「Safe Acetoxylation of Propylene: the Role of Oxygen」於 Process Safety Prog., 24, 280-286 (2005)。其他研究包括國科會資助之氫氧直接合成雙氧水的爆炸問題研究,已完成並發表論文「Experimental Studies of Ignition and Explosion in a Water Column Bubbling with Hydrogen and Oxygen」於J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 22, 7-14 (2009)。
  • 近年來,由於個人也負責環保署與國立高雄第一科技大學合設的南區毒災應變諮詢中心,除持續提供毒化災的應變諮詢外,也與毒災中心的其他參與老師合作研究,進行毒化物與環保相關的研究。此外受環保署委託,在災後環境復原的研究方面,範圍含蓋毒化災至天然災害,特別在水災後的垃圾量的估算提出一估算方法,並完成論文「Estimation of Waste Generation from Floods」已刊登於Waste Management。這些研究屬於次要研究,以毒災中心的人員為主,個人的碩、博士生仍以投入前述的兩大領域為主。
  • 製程安全之研究必須以製程為本,輔以安全之背景知識,方能跨越製程與安全之鴻溝,故製程安全之研究必須花相當多時間瞭解製程,每當跨越到新的化學製程或新的產業如半導體或光電製程,所需時間更多。此外,製程安全之研究更不能脫離現實,探討不存在製程的安全問題,故必須與實務結合,否則將是空談。個人的研究群過去在製程安全的學術理論與實務都立下一些基礎,未來仍將兢兢業業,努力維持製程與安全、學術理論與實務之平衡,歡迎各界先進繼續給予批評、指揮與支持,以共同促進產業之安全、提升製程安全研究之水準。


  • 民國98年7月:高科大97年度產學合作傑出獎
  • 民國96年11月: 2007年環工年會 公安衛研討會 最佳論文獎
  • 民國96年5月:高科大95年度 學術研究優良獎
  • 民國94年11月:高科大94年度 產學合作獎
  • 民國91年11月:高科大91年度 產學合作獎
  • 民國89年11月: 2000年工業安全衛生研討會論文獎第一名

期刊論文(Referred Journal Articles)

* Corresponding author.
  1. Tsai, H. Y., Y. J. Lin, Y. C. Chang, J. S. Lin, J. R. Chen* & E. Y. Ngai, Unconfined Silane-Air Explosions, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, in press (2017)
  2. Fomin, P.A., Fedorov, A.V., Tropin, D.A., J. R. Chen, Assessment and Control of Detonation Hazard of Silane-Containing Mixtures, Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Volume 90, Issue 2, pp 465–479 (2017).
  3. Tsai, H. Y., H. L. Hung, S. Y. Wu, C. W. Ku, J. R. Chen, P. A. Fomin, A. V. Fedorov, Effects of Temperature and Moisture on the Ignition Behavior of Silane Release into Air, Combustion, Explosions and Shock Waves, 53(3) 276–282 (2017) [SCI]
  4. Yang, H. N., J. H. Chen, H. J. Chiu, T. J. Kao, H. Y. Tsai, J. R. Chen*, “Confined Vapor Explosion in Kaohsiung City - A Detailed Analysis of the Tragedy in the Harbor City,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 41, 107-120 (2016)
  5. Ngai, E.Y., R. Fuhrhop, J.R. Chen*, J. Chao, C.R. Bauwens, C. Mjelde, G. Miller, J. Sameth, J. Borzio, M. Telgenhoff, B. Wilson, “CGA G-13 Large-Scale Silane Release Tests – Part I. Silane Jet Flame Impingement Tests and Thermal Radiation Measurement,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 36, 478-487 (2015)
  6. Ngai, E.Y., R. Fuhrhop, J.R. Chen*, J. Chao, C.R. Bauwens, C. Mjelde, G. Miller, J. Sameth, J. Borzio, M. Telgenhoff, B. Wilson, “CGA G-13 Large-Scale Silane Release Tests – Part II. Unconfined Silane-Air Explosion,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 36, 488-496 (2015).
  7. Hsu, P. C., Y. L. Guo, D. R. Smith, Y. S. Lin, L. H. Tseng, C. W. Lee, J. R. Chen, Airborne Persistent Organic Pollutants and Male Reproductive Health, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 14, 1292–1298 (2014).
  8. Fomin, P. A., A. V. Fedorov, J. R. Chen, “Parameters for Attenuation and Suppression of Detonation Wave with Inert Particles,” Chemical Engineering Transactions, 31, 847-852 (2013)
  9. Chen S. L., Lu P.T., Lee H. L., Lu C.H., Yuan S.Y., Tsai H. and Chen J.R., “Risk management and regulatory control of toxic chemicals in Taiwan,” Chemical Engineering Transactions, 31, 241-246 (2013)
  10. Fedorov, A.V., P.A. Fomin, D.A. Tropin and J. R. Chen “Modeling of reflection of detonation and shock waves from a rigid wall in mixtures of flammable gas with chemically inert particles.” Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 85 (3) 614-619 (2012).
  11. Liaw, H.J., C.C. Chen, Y.C. Chen, J.R. Chen, S.K. Huang, S.N. Liu, “Relationship between flash point of ionic liquids and their thermal decomposition”, Green Chemistry,14, 2001-2008 (2012).
  12. 12. Fedorov, A.V., P.A. Fomin, D.A. Tropin and J. R. Chen “Physicomathematical modeling of gas detonation quenching by chemically inert particles.” Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 85(2)359-367 (2012).
  13. Fedorov, A.V., P.A. Fomin, D.A. Tropin and J. R. Chen “Parameters, limits, attenuation, and suppression of detonation in mixtures of an explosive gas with chemically inert microparticles.” Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 85(2)368-381, (2012).
  14. Ngai, E. Y. and J. R. Chen, Gas Safety for TFT-LCD Manufacturing, in Features of Liquid Crystal Display Materials and Processes, Natalia V. Kamanina Ed. , 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-899-1.
  15. Chen, J. R., H.-Y. Tsai, J-H. Chien, H.-J. Pan, “Flow and Flame Visualization Near the Upper Flammability Limits of Methane/Air and Propane/Air Mixtures at Elevated Pressures”, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 24, 662-670 (2011).
  16. Soo, J. C., Li, S. R., J. R. Chen, Chang, C. P., Ho, Y. F., Wu, T. N., Tsai, P. J. Acid Gas, Acid Aerosol and Chlorine Emissions from Trichlorosilane Burning Processes. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 11, 323-330 (2011).
  17. Duh Y. S., T. C. Ho, J. R. Chen and C. S. Kao, Study on Exothermic Oxidation of Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) Resin Powder with Application to ABS Processing Safety, Polymers, 2(3), 174-187 (2010).
  18. Chen, J. R.*, H. Y. Tsai, S. W. Wang, S. Y. Wu, E. Y. Ngai, K. P. P. Huang, “Ignition Characteristics of Steady and Dynamic Release of Pure Silane into Air,” Combustion, Explosions and Shock Waves, 46(4) 391-399 (2010).
  19. Tsai, H. Y., S. W. Wang, S. Y. Wu, J. R. Chen*, E. Y. Ngai, K. P. P. Huang, “Experimental Studies on the Ignition Behavior of Pure Silane Released into Air,” J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 23, 170-177 (2010).
  20. Fomin, P. A. and J. R. Chen, “Effect of Chemically Inert Particles on Parameters and Suppression of Detonation in Gases,” Combustion, Explosions and Shock Waves, 45(3) 303–313 ( 2009).
  21. Chen, J. R.*, Z. S. Huang, C. D. Liu and P. A. Fomin, “Experimental Studies of Ignition and Explosion in a Water Column Bubbling with Hydrogen and Oxygen, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 22, 7-14, 2009.
  22. Fomin, P. A. and J. R. Chen, “Effect of Chemically Inert Particles on Thermodynamic Characteristics and Detonation of a Combustible Gas,” Comb. Sci. Tech., 181 (8) 1038-1064 (2009)
  23. Peng, D. J., Y. Y. Chang, H. C. Wu, C. C. Tsaur, J. R. Chen, “Failure Analysis of a Silane Gas Cylinder Valve: A Case Study,” Eng. Fail. Anal., 15, 275-280 (2008)
  24. Fomin, P. A. and Chen, J. R., “Shock Wave Induced Condensation in A Fuel-Rich Oxygen Containing Bubble in a Flammable Liquid,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 696-710 (2008)
  25. Ngai, E. Y., K. P. P. Huang, J. R. Chen*, C. C. Shen, H. Y. Tsai, S. K. Chen, S. C. Hu, P. H. Yeh, C. D. Liu, Y. Y. Chang, D. J. Peng, H. C. Wu, “Field Tests of Release, Ignition and Explosion from Silane Cylinder Valves,” Process Safety Prog., 26, 265-282 (2007).
  26. Chen, J. R.*, H. Y. Tsai, P. C. Hsu, C. C. Shen, “Estimation of Waste Generation from Floods,” Waste Management,27, 1717-1724 (2007)
  27. Y. Y. Chang, D. J. Peng, H. C. Wu, C. C. Tsaur, C. C. Shen, H. Y. Tsai, J. R. Chen*, “Revisiting of a Silane Explosion in a Photovoltaic Fabrication Plant,” Process Safety Prog., 26, 155-158 (2007)
  28. Chen, J. R.*, H. Y. Tsai, S. K. Chen, H. R. Pan, S. C. Hu, C. C. Shen, C. M. Kuan, Y. C. Lee, C. C. Wu, “Analysis of a Silane Explosion in a Photovoltaic Fabrication Plant,” Process Safety Prog., 25, 237-244 (2006)
  29. Tseng, L. H., C. W. Lee, M. H. Pan, S. S. Tsai, M. H. Li, J. R. Chen, J. J. Lay, Hsu, P. C., “Postnatal Exposure of the Male Mouse to 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'- Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether: Decreased Epididymal Sperm Functions without Alterations in DNA Content and Histology in Testis,” Toxicology, 224, 33-43 (2006).
  30. Hsu, P. C., I Y. Chen, C. H. Pan, K. Y. Wu, M. H. Pan, J. R. Chen, C. J. Chen, G. P. Chang-Chien, C. H. Hsu, C. S. Liu and M. T. Wu, “Sperm DNA damage correlates with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons biomarker in coke-oven workers”, Int. Archives of Occupational and Env. Health, 79 (5) 349 - 356 (2006) [SCI]
  31. Chen, J. R.*, C. M. Lee, “Safe Acetoxylation of Propylene: the Role of Oxygen,” Process Safety Prog., 24, 280-286 (2005).
  32. Chen, J. R.* and S. K. Chen, “Experimental Studies of Ignition and Explosion in Cyclohexane Liquid under Oxygen Oxidation Conditions,” J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 18, 97-106 (2005). (NSC-91-2214-E-327-001)
  33. Chen, J. R.*, C. H. Hung, K. S. Fan, T. C. Ho, F. L. Chen, J. J. Horng, S. C. Ho, W. D. Chen, “Emergency Response of Toxic Chemicals in Taiwan: The System and Case Studies,” Process Safety Prog., 23, 206-213 (2004).
  34. Chen, J. R.*, and Y. T. Yang, “A Predictive Risk Index for Safety Performance in the Process Industries,” J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 17, 233-242 (2004).
  35. Chen, J. R.*, H. H. Yang, and C. H. Wu,“A Novel Process of Autoxidation of Cyclohexane Using Pure Oxygen,”Org. Process Res. Dev., 8 (2) 252-255(2004).
  36. Chen, J. R.*, “An Inherently Safer Process of Cyclohexane Oxidation Using Pure Oxygen – An Example of How Better Process Safety Leads to Better Productivity,” Process Safety Prog., 23, 72-81 (2004). (NSC-90-2214-E-327-001)
  37. Chen, J. R.* and K. Liu, “Simple and Safe Method for Determining Explosion Limits at Elevated Pressures,” AIChE J., 49 (9) 2427-2432 (2003). [SCI] (NSC-89-2214-E-327-001)
  38. Chen, J. R.*, “Characteristics of Fire and Explosion in Semiconductor Fabrication Processes,” Process Safety Prog.,21, 19-25 (2002).
  39. Chen, J. R.*, C. Lee, C. Cheng, W. K. Chou and T. C. Ho, “Pilot-Scale Study of Venting from a Vessel at Elevated Pressure and Temperature,” Process Safety & Env. Protect., 78B, 434-444 (2000). (NSC-88-2214-E-327-001)
  40. 張清雄、郭公瑾、陳政任*、沈俊成,“羥胺製程本質較安全化之研究”,化工技術月刊,,2006年3月。
  41. 陳政任*、楊小惠、劉建行、陳勝凱,“環己烷氧化製程之危害與本質較安全化之研究”,化工技術月刊,2006年3月。
  42. 林志忠、陳政任,“化學製程危害分析資料庫之建制與應用-以氫氣製程為例”,環保月刊,2002年10月。
  43. 李倩美、陳政任,“實驗室事故案例分析與應變對策”,化工,49卷,第5期,43-54,2002年10月。
  44. 陳政任,“半導體廠火災原因探討與風險管理策略”,化工技術月刊,2002年1月。
  45. 陳政任、連凌霄、陳高明、詹維康,“特化/原料藥製程之反應熱危害評估與安全設計”,化工,2001年8月。
  46. 陳政任、周文國、杜錫川,“石化廠緊急排放洗滌塔之設計案例分析”,化工技術月刊,2000年1月。

研討會論文(Conference papers)

  1. Tsai, H. Y., S. W. Wang, S. Y. Wu and J. R. Chen, “Characterization of ignition behavior of silane release into air,”8th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, Yokohama, Japan, September 2010.
  2. R. L. Liang, S. Y. Wu, N. J. Tseng, C. W. Ku, H. Y. Tsai, J. R. Chen, “Effects of Temperature and Moisture on the Ignition Behavior of Silane Release into Air,” 8th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, Yokohama, Japan, September 2010.
  3. Chen, J. R., “Hazards and ignition behavior of silane release into air,” Silane Safety Seminar, Intersolar Europe 2010, Munich, Germany, June 10, 2010.
  4. Tsai, H. Y., S. W. Wang, S. Y. Wu and J. R. Chen, “Characterization of ignition behavior of silane release into air,”13th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Bruges, Belgium, June 2010.
  5. Chen, J. R., H.-Y. Tsai, “Application of flammability diagram for designing hydrocarbon air/oxygen oxidation processes,” Bruges, Belgium, June 2010.
  6. Tsai, H. Y., R. L. Liang, S. W. Wang, J. R. Chen, E. Y. Ngai, P. J. Tsai, C. M. Kuan, H. I Hsu, “Characterization of Trichlorosilane Release and Combustion Hazards,” 31st Annual International High Technology ESH Symposium and Exhibition, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, May 18-22, 2009.
  7. Chen, J. R., Tsai H., Pan H., Huang Y., “Characterization of Upper Flammability Limits of Propane/Air Mixtures at Elevated Pressures,” 7th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 2008.
  8. Chen, J. R., Huang Z., Liu C., Fomin P., “Experimental Studies of Hydrogen/Oxygen Bubble Explosions, ” 7thInternational Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 2008.
  9. Fomin, P., J. R. Chen, “Explosion safety aspects of shock wave induced condensation in a Fuel-Rich Gaseous Mixtures, ” 7th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 2008.
  10. Fomin, P., J. R. Chen, H. Hieronymus, “Shock induced explosion of oxygen containing bubble in a flammable liquid: safety aspects of fuel condensation and evaporation,” 7th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 2008.
  11. Chen, J. R., R. H. Jen, H.Y. Tsai, H. J. Pan, “Characterization of Upper Flammability Limits of Methane/Air Mixtures at Elevated Pressures: Gas Composition Measurement and Flow Visualization,” 12th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Edinburgh, UK, May 2007.
  12. Ngai, E. Y., K. P. P. Huang, J. R. Chen*, C. C. Shen, H. Y. Tsai, S. K. Chen, S. C. Hu, P. H. Yeh, C. D. Liu, Y. Y. Chang, D. J. Peng, H. C. Wu, “Field Tests of Release, Ignition and Explosion from Silane Cylinder Valves,” 12th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Edinburgh, UK, May 2007.
  13. Chang, Y. Y., D. J. Peng, H. C. Wu, C. C. Tsaur, H. Y. Tsai, C. C. Shen, S. K. Chen, J. R. Chen, “Analysis of a Silane Release and Explosion in a Photovoltaic Fabrication Plant,” 12th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Edinburgh, UK, May 2007.
  14. Fomin, P. A. and Chen, J. R., “Analysis of detonation wave suppression by injection of solid particles,” 12th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Edinburgh, UK, May 2007.
  15. Fomin, P. A. and Chen, J. R. “New simple method for calculation flammability limits of mixtures of flammable fuels,”12th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Edinburgh, UK, May 2007.
  16. Chen, J. R., C. C. Shen, H. Y. Tsai, S. K. Chen, P. H. Yeh, “Analysis of a Silane Explosion in a Photovoltaic Fabrication Plant,” USEPA Region III 2006 Emergency Preparedness and Prevention and Hazmat Spills Conference, Valley Forge, PA, USA, December 3-6, 2006.
  17. K. S. Fan, S. C. Huang, J. R. Chen, “Hazard Potential Analysis for Freeway Transportation of Toxic Substances”,20th Annual CCPS Conference, Atlanta, USA, Apr. 2005.
  18. Chen, J. R., S. C. Liang, K. S. Fan, P. C. Hsu, J. L. Su, “Gis-based global risk potential map for the planning of chemical emergencies”, ICUDR, Kobe, Japan, 2005.
  19. K. S. Fan, C. M. Lee, K. C. Tsai, J. R. Chen, J. L. Su, “Fire (following earthquake) potential analysis based on the chi-chi and 331 earthquakes in Taiwan”, ICUDR, Kobe, Japan, 2005.
  20. Chen, J. R., “Theory of Incident and Its Prediction in the Process Industries”, 19th Annual CCPS Intl. Conf. Emergency Planning Preparedness, Prevention & Response, Orlando, FL, USA, June 2004.
  21. Chen, J. R., C. H. Hung, K. S. Fan, T. C. Ho, F. L. Chen, J. J. Horng, S. C. Ho, W. D. Chen, “Emergency Response of Toxic Chemicals in Taiwan: The System and Case Studies,” 19th Annual CCPS Intl. Conf. Emergency Planning Preparedness, Prevention & Response, Orlando, FL, USA, June 2004.
  22. Chen, J. R. and C. M. Lee, “Experimental Studies on the Catalytic Effects of Deflagration in Acetoxylation of Propylene,” 11th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Praha, Czech, May 2004.
  23. Chen, J. R. and S. K. Chen, “Experimental Studies on the Bubble Explosions in Cyclohexane Liquid at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures,” 11th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Praha, Czech, May 2004.
  24. Yang, Y. T. and J. R. Chen, “A Safety Predictor for Safety Management in Process Industries,” 11th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Praha, Czech, May 2004.
  25. Chen, J. R. and C. M. Lee, “Experimental Studies on the Catalytic Effects of Deflagration in Acetoxylation of Propylene,” 2003 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Safety, Taipei, November 2003.
  26. Chen, J. R., “Cyclohexane Oxidation – Its Hazards and Recent Development Towards Inherent Safety,” 2003 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Safety, Taipei, November 2003.
  27. Yang, Y. T. and J. R. Chen, “A Safety Predictor for Safety Management in Process Industries,” 2003 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Safety, Taipei, November 2003.
  28. Chen, J. R. and S. K. Chen, “Experimental Studies on the Bubble Explosions in Cyclohexane Liquid at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures,” 2003 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Safety, Taipei, November 2003.
  29. Chen, J. R., “An Inherently Safer Process of Cyclohexane Oxidation Using Pure Oxygen – An Example of How Better Process Safety Leads to Better Productivity,” 18th Annual CCPS International Conference & Workshop -Managing Chemical Reactivity Hazards & High Energy Releases, Scottsdale, AZ, September 2003.
  30. Chen, J. R. and K. Liu, “A Simple Apparatus for Flammability at Elevated Pressures,” 2001 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Safety, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2001.
  31. Chen, J. R., “Sources and Solutions of Fire and Explosion in Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes,” paper presented at the 10th International Symposium on the Loss Prevention, Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2001.
  32. 黃昭升、劉俊德、陳政任,“氫/氧氣泡爆炸危害之研究”,中華民國環境工程學會2007公安衛/防災研討會,96年11月。[獲最佳論文獎]
  33. 沈俊成,陳政任,蔡曉雲,Eugene Y. Ngai,黃百平,官嘉明,“矽甲烷外洩之危害測試”,中華民國環境工程學會2006公安衛/防災研討會,95年11月。
  34. 李宜玶、蔡曉雲、陳政任,“毒性化學物質十溴二苯醚析方法之建立”,2003年環境災害及緊急應變技術研討會,雲林科技大學,2003年11月。
  35. 林佳慧、陳政任,“南區毒性化學物質災害與應變特性分析”,2003年環境災害及緊急應變技術研討會,雲林科技大學,2003年11月。
  36. 林志忠、陳政任,“氫氣化學製程危害分析資料庫之建制與應用”,2002年工業安全衛生研討會,2002年10月。
  37. 鄭謀至、陳政任,“營造業工地安全衛生管理系統應用OHSAS18001之研究”,2002年工業安全衛生研討會,2002年10月。
  38. 陳政任,“半導體廠火災原因探討與風險管理策略”,新世紀風險管理與保險研討會,2001年6月。
  39. 陳政任,“高壓固液氣三相緊急排放行為分析”,2000年工業安全衛生研討會,2000年11月。(NSC 88-2214-E-327-001) [獲論文獎第一名]
  40. 陳政任、連凌霄、陳高明,“特化/原料藥製程之反應熱危害評估與安全設計”,2000年工業安全衛生研討會,2000年11月。[獲論文獎第四名]
  41. 劉憶蓉、盧哲明、陳政任、鄭功耀,“半導體WCVD製程尾氣分析與危害評估”,2000年工業安全衛生研討會,2000年11月。
  42. 劉健行、吳俊璋、陳政任,“高壓氧化製程爆燃的危害分析”,2000年工業安全衛生研討會,2000年11月。(NSC 89-2214-E-327-001)


  1. Chen, J. R., H. H. Yang, C. H. Wu, Liquid Phase Oxidation of Cycloalkane Compounds, US Patent No. 6,930,209B2, 16 August 2005.
  2. 張清雄、陳進福、陳政任、陳鷁輝,“不良彩色濾光片之回收方法”,中華民國專利證書發明第259830號,2006年8月11日。
  3. 吳重和、陳政任、楊小惠,“環烷化合物之液相氧化方法”,中華民國專利證書發明第204440號,2004年6月11日。

