Yi-Li Lin
![]() Yi-Li Lin
- Assistant Professor, Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, NKFUST
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Standford University, US
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Aim for the Top University Project, National Taiwan University
- Executive Secretary, Academic Review Committee, Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
- Membrane separation technology (fouling control, surface modification)
- Water treatment and reuse (membrane filtration, adsorption, advanced oxidation process, pellet softening)
- Comprehensive evaluation and modification of drinking/waste water treatment plants
- Treatment and mechanism study of emerging contaminants (disinfection by-products formation and control with different disinfectants)
- Energy technology (biomass torrefaction, carbon dioxide storage and sequestration)
- “Comparison of different disinfection processes for controlling disinfection by-product formation in rainwater”, J. Hazard. Mater. Accepted (2020). (SCI)
- “Environmental and energy assessment of biomass residues to biochar as fuel: A brief review with recommendations for future bioenergy systems”, J. Clean. Prod. 251, 119714 (2020). (SCI)
- “A comparison of dissolved organic matter transformation in low pressure ultraviolet (LPUV) and ultraviolet light-emitting diode (UV-LED)/chlorine processes”, Sci. Total Environ. 702, 134942 (2020). (SCI)
- “Degradation of diiodoacetamide in water by UV/chlorination: Kinetics, efficiency, influence factors and toxicity evaluation”, Chemosphere 240, 124761 (2020). (SCI)
- “Investigation of iohexol degradation kinetics by heat-activated persulfate”, Chem. Eng. J. 379, 122403 (2020). (SCI)
- “Enhancing anti-organic fouling and PPCP rejection using in-situ modified NF90”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 26, 34073-34084 (2019). (SCI)
- “A novel event detection model for water distribution systems based on data-driven estimation and support vector machine classification”, Water Resour. Manag. 33, 4569-4581 (2019). (SCI)
- “Investigation of iohexol degradation kinetics by heat-activated persulfate”, Chem. Eng. J. 379, 122403 (2019). (SCI)
- “Enhanced ronidazole degradation by UV-LED/chlorine compared with conventional low-pressure UV/chlorine at neutral and alkaline pH values”, Water Res. 160, 296-303 (2019). (SCI)
- 1“Kinetics and model development of iohexol degradation during UV/H2O2 and UV/S2O82- oxidation,” Chemosphere 229, 602-610 (2019). (SCI)
- “Modelling of iohexol degradation in a Fe(II)-activated persulfate system”, Chem. Eng. J. 367, 86-93 (2019). (SCI)
- “Chlorination of Bromacil: Kinetics and formation of disinfection by-products”, Sep. Purif. Technol. 212, 913-919 (2019). (SCI)
- “Degradation kinetics of diatrizoate during UV photolysis and UV/chlorination”, Chem. Eng. J. 360, 1003-1010 (2019). (SCI)
- “Enhanced inactivation of E. coli by pulsed UV-LED irradiation during water disinfection”, Sci. Total Environ. 650, 210-215 (2019). (SCI)
- “Efficient heterogeneous activation of persulfate by iron-modified biochar for removal of antibiotic from aqueous solution: a case study of tetracycline removal”, Catalysts 9, 1-14 (2019). (SCI)
- “Removal of sulfonamides from wastewater in the UV/TiO2 system: effects of pH and salinity on photodegradation and mineralization”, Water Sci. Technol. 79, 349-355 (2019). (SCI)
- “Single-step solvothermal process for synthesizing SnO2/Bi2WO6 composites with high photocatalytic activity in the photodegradation of C.I. Reactive Red2 under solar light”, React. Kinet. Mech. Catal. 126, 1097-1113 (2019). (SCI)
- “Synthesis of Bi2O3/Bi2WO6 composites using single-step solvothermal method: determinations of surface characteristics and photocatalytic activity”, Desalin. Water Treat. 151, 56-65 (2019). (SCI)
- “Reutilization of dredged harbor sediment and steel slag by sintering as lightweight aggregate”, Process Saf. Environ. Protect. 126, 287-296 (2019). (SCI)
- “The degradation of phthalate esters in marine sediments by persulfate over iron–cerium oxide catalyst”, Sci. Total Environ. 696, 133973 (2019). (SCI)
- “Effect of UV irradiation on iodinated trihalomethane formation during post-chloramination”, Water Res. 147, 101-111 (2018). (SCI).
- “Adsorption of haloforms onto GACs: Effects of adsorbent properties and adsorption mechanisms”, Chem. Eng. J. 349, 849-859 (2018). (SCI)
- “Factors affecting the water odor caused by chloramines during drinking water disinfection”, Sci. Total Environ. 639, 687-694 (2018). (SCI)
- “Degradation kinetics and disinfection by-product formation of chlorimuron-ethyl during aqueous chlorination ”, Sep. Purif. Technol. 204, 49-55 (2018). (SCI)
- “Formation of iodinated trihalomethanes during breakpoint chlorination of iodide-containing water”, J. Hazard. Mater. 353, 505-513 (2018). (SCI)
- “Improving the organic and biological fouling resistance and removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products through nanofiltration by using in situ radical graft polymerization”, Sci. Total Environ. 635, 543-550 (2018). (SCI)
- “In situ concentration-polarization-enhanced radical graft polymerization of NF270 for mitigating silica fouling and improving pharmaceutical and personal care product rejection ”, J. Membr. Sci. 552, 387-395 (2018). (SCI)
- “Degradation of acrylamide during chlorination as a precursor of haloacetonitriles and haloacetamides”, Sci. Total Environ. 615, 38-46 (2018). (SCI)
- “Degradation of acrylamide by the UV/chlorine advanced oxidation process”, Chemosphere 187, 268-276 (2017). (SCI)
- “Effects of organic, biological and colloidal fouling on the removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes”, J. Membr. Sci. 542, 342-351 (2017). (SCI)
- “Degradation kinetics and DBP formation during chlorination of metribuzin”, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E. 80, 255-261 (2017). (SCI)
- “Iodinated trihalomethanes formation during chloramination of iodate-containing waters in the presence of zero valent iron”, Water Res. 124, 219-226 (2017). (SCI)
- “Chlor(am)ination of iopamidol: Kinetics, pathways and disinfection by-product formation”, Chemosphere 184, 489-497 (2017). (SCI)
- “Kinetics and modeling of iodoform degradation during UV/chlorine advanced oxidation process”, Chem. Engi. J. 323, 312-319 (2017). (SCI)
- “Factors affecting THM, HAN and HNM formation during UV-chlor(am)ination of drinking water”, Chem. Engi. J. 306, 1180-1188 (2017). (SCI)
- “Formation of organic chloramines and N-DBPs during chlor(am)ination and UV/chlor(am)ination of algae organic matter in drinking water”, Water Res. 103, 189-196 (2016). (SCI)
- “Formation of iodinated trihalomethanes during UV/chloramination process with iodate as the iodine source”, Water Res. 98, 199-205 (2016). (SCI)
- “Effect of UV irradiation on the formation of organic chloramines during water chlorination”, Chemosphere 144, 940-947 (2016). (SCI)
- “Degradation of iohexol by UV/chlorine process and formation of iodinated trihalomethanes during post-chlorination”, Chem. Engi. J. 283, 1090-1096 (2016).
- “Degradation of chlortoluron during UV irradiation and UV/chlorine processes and formation of disinfection by-products in sequential chlorination”, Chem. Engi. J. 283, 412-419 (2016). (SCI)
- “Removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products by Eichhornia crassipe and Pistia stratiotes”, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E. 58, 318-323 (2016). (SCI)
- “Effect of pipe corrosion product-Goethite on the formation of disinfection by-products during chlorination”, Desalin. Water Treat. 57, 553-561 (2016). (SCI)
- “Identification and quantification of ineffective chlorine by NaAsO2 selective quenching method during drinking water disinfection”, Chem. Engi. J. 277, 295-302 (2015). (SCI)
- “Effects of microwave-induced torrefaction on waste straw upgrading”, IJCEA 66, 401-404 (2015).
- “Chlorination of bensulfuron-methyl: kinetics, reaction factors and disinfection by-product formation”, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E., 53, 46-51 (2015). (SCI)
- “Dissolved organic matter fractions and disinfection byproduct formation potentials from major raw waters in water-receiving area of south-to-north water diversion project, China”, Desalin. Water Treat. 56, 1689-1667 (2015). (SCI)
- “A comparison of iodinated trihalomethane formation from chlorine, chlorine dioxide and potassium permanganate oxidation processes”, Water Res. 68, 394-403 (2015). (SCI)
- Kinetic models and pathways of ronidazole degradation by chlorination, UV irradiation and UV/chlorine Processes”, Water Res. 65, 271-281 (2014). (SCI)
- “A comparison of iodinated trihalomethane formation from iodide and iopamidol in the presence of organic precursors during monochloramination”, Chem. Engi. J. 257, 292-298 (2014). (SCI)
- “A comparison of carbonaceous, nitrogenous and iodinated disinfection by-product formation potential in different dissolved organic fractions and their reduction in drinking water treatment processes”, Sep. Purf. Technol. 133, 82-90 (2014). (SCI)
- “Photodegradation kinetics of iopamidol by UV irradiation and enhanced formation of iodinated disinfection by-products in sequential oxidation processes”, Water Res. 58, 198-208 (2014). (SCI)
- “Elucidating the rejection mechanisms of PPCPs by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 53, 6798-6806 (2014). (SCI)
- “Effect of silica fouling on the removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes”, J. Hazard. Mater. 277, 102-109 (2014). (SCI)
- “複合式積垢對奈米/逆滲透薄膜去除醫藥與個人保健用品之效能與機制影響”, 先進工程學刊9(1) 37-43 (2014).
- “方形流體化結晶軟化床之流況分析與改善建議”, 先進工程學刊 8(4), 235-239 (2013).
- “Monochloramination of oxytetracycline: kinetics, mechanisms, pathways, and disinfection by-products formation”, Clean-Soilr, Air, Water 41(10) 969-975 (2013). (SCI)
- “Reduction of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in aqueous solution by nanoscale Fe/Al2(SO4)3”, Water, Air & Soil Poll. 224, 1632-1641 (2013). (SCI)
- “Formation of iodinated disinfection by-products during oxidation of iodide-containing waters with chlorine dioxide”, Water Res. 47(9), 3006-3014 (2013). (SCI)
- “Effects of physico-chemical properties of nanofiltration membranes on the rejection of small organic DBP precursors”, J. Environ. Eng.-ASCE 139, 127-136 (2013). (SCI)
- “Formation of iodinated disinfection by-products during oxidation of iodide-containing water with potassium permanganate”, J. Hazard. Mater. 241-242, 348-354 (2012). (SCI)
- “Formation of volatile halogenated by-products during the chlorination of oxytetracycline”, Water, Air & Soil Poll. 223, 4429-4436 (2012). (SCI)
- “Degradation kinetics and N-nitrosadimethylamine formation during monochloramination of chlortoluron”, Sci. Total Environ. 417-418, 241-247 (2012). (SCI)
- “Chlorination of chlortoluron: kinetics, pathways and chloroform formation”, Chemosphere 83, 909-916 (2011). (SCI)
- “Measurement of dissolved organic nitrogen in a drinking water treatment plant: Size fraction, fate, and relation to water quality parameters”, Sci. Total Environ. 409, 1116-1122 (2011). (SCI)
- “Measurements of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in water samples by nanofiltration pretreatment”, Water Res. 44, 5376-5387 (2010). (SCI)
- “Reduction of natural organic matter by nanofiltration process”, Chemosphere 76, 1265-1272 (2009). (SCI)
- “Removal of small trihalomethane precursors from aqueous solution by nanofiltration”, J. Hazard. Mater. 146, 20-29 (2007). (SCI)
- “Establishment and Implementation of Source Water Implementation Plan for Water Treatment Plants in Taiwan”, the Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASC, 11, 2-10 (2007). (EI)
- “Development and Implementation of Performance Evaluation System for a Water Treatment Plant: A Case Study”, the Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE 11, 36-47 (2007). (EI)
- “Reduction of disinfection by-products precursors by nanofiltration process”, J. Hazard. Mater. 137, 324-331 (2006). (SCI)
- “Relationship of chlorine consumption and chlorination by-products formation on model compounds”, Chemosphere 64, 1196-1203 (2006). (SCI)
- “Evaluation of Source Water Quality Standards for Total Coliforms TOC and COD in Taiwan”, the Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE 9, 193-203 (2005). (EI)
- “美日新能源科技之研究與課程規劃”,環境工程會刊第20卷第4期,民國98年11月。
- “飲用水安全管理策略雛議”,化工技術第167期,2007年2月。
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