Shyi-Tien Chen
![]() Shyi-Tien Chen
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Environmental Systems Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
- Soil remediation
- Biotechnology
- Applied statistics
- Interface science
- Surface science
- Materials and catalysis
- Chen,Shyi-Tien*, David K. Stevens, Guyoung Kang, Jia-Chin Hsu and Shuo-Jye Wu. 2009. Kinetics of Pentachlorophenol (PCP) Degradation in Soil Using Heme andPeroxide (SCI). Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), 135(4):279-284.
- Hsu, Jia-Chin, Chien-Jung Lin, Chih-Hsiang Liao, Shyi-Tien Chen, 2008. Evaluation of the multiple-ion competition in theadsorption of As(V) onto reclaimed iron-oxide coated sands by fractionalfactorial design. Chemosphere. 72(7). 1049-1055.
- Hsu, Jia-Chin, Chien-Jung Lin, Chih-Hsiang Liao,Shyi-Tien Chen, 2008. Removal of As(V)and As(III) by reclaimed iron-oxide coated sands. Journal of HazardousMaterials. 153, 817-826.
- Chen, Shyi-Tien*, David K. Stevens, Guyoung Kang, and M.-J. Hsieh. 2006. Treating Soil Pentachlorophenol (PCP) at Optimal Conditions Using Heme andPeroxide (SCI). Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), 132(7):704-708.
- Chen, Shyi-Tien*, C.-Y. Hsu, and P. M. Berthouex. 2006. Fate andModeling of Pentachlorophenol (PCP) Degradation in a Laboratory-Scale AnaerobicSludge Digester (SCI). Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE),132(7):795-802.
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