Mengshan Lee
![]() Mengshan Lee
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tunghai University.
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering and Science, Feng Chia University.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Florida International University, US.
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Florida International University, US.
- Mengshan Lee, Arturo A. Keller, Pen-chi Chiang, Walter Den, Hongtao Wang*, Chia-Hung Hou*, Jiang Wu, Xin Wang, Jinyue Yan, (2017) "Water-Energy nexus for urban water systems: Energy and environmental implications in relation to global water risks", Applied Energy, 205, 589-601.
- Chia-Chun Lin, Jia-Yu Lin, Mengshan Lee, Pei-Te Chiueh*, (2017) "Constructing sectorwise midpoint characterization factors for impact assessment of regional water withdrawals: A case study for industrial sectors in Taiwan" submitted to Science of the Total Environment, 607-608, 784-794.
- Huan-Yu Shiu, Mengshan Lee, Pei-Te Chiueh*, (2017) "Water reclamation and sludge recycling scenarios for a wastewater treatment plant in Kinmen islands, Taiwan" Journal of Cleaner Production, 152, 369-378.
- Ting-Hwa Yu, Huan-Yu Shiu, Mengshan Lee, Pei-Te Chiueh*, Chia-Hung Hou*, (2016) "Life cycle assessment of environmental impacts and energy demand for capacitive deionization technology", Desalination, 399, 53-60.
- Mengshan Lee*, Walter Den, (2016) "Life cycle value analysis for sustainability evaluation of bioenergy products", Journal of Cleaner Production, 113, 541-547.
- Tse-Ting Tu, Mengshan Lee, Shih-Tiz Kuo, Walter Den*, (2016) "Citric acid-modified carbon chemical filtration for cleanroom air quality control: Study on N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone and the interference of co-existing toluene", Indoor and Built Environment, 25(5), 772-785.
- Wen-Shyong Lin, Mengshan Lee*, Yu-Cheng Huang, Walter Den, (2015) "Identifying water recycling strategy using multivariate statistical analysis for high tech industries in Taiwan", Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 94, 35-42.
- Mengshan Lee*, Bo-Yen Chen, Walter Den, (2015) "Chitosan as a natural polymer for renewable heterogeneous catalysts support: A short review on its applications", Applied Sciences, 5(4), 1272-1283.
- Hui-Chun Lee, Mengshan Lee, Walter Den*, (2015) "Spirulina maxima for phenol removal: Study on its tolerance, biodegradability and phenol-carbon assimilability", Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 226, 395.
- Berrin Tansel*, Ariadna Arreaza, Derya Z. Tansel, Mengshan Lee, (2015) "Decrease in osmotically driven water flux and transport through mangrove roots after oil spills in the presence and absence of dispersants", Marine Pollution Bulletin, 98(1-2), 34-39.
- Berrin Tansel*, Mengshan Lee, Jillian Berbakov, Derya Tansel, Urpiana Koklonis, (2014) "Dispersion of Louisiana crude oil in salt water environment by Corexit 9500A in the presence of natural coastal materials", Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 143, 58-64.
- Ching-Ju Monica Chin, Tsan-Yao Chen, Mengshan Lee, Chiung-Fen Chang*, Yu-Ting Liu, Yu-Tsun Kuo (2014) "Effective anodic oxidation of naproxen by platinum nanoparticles coated FTO glass", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 277, 110-119.
- Mengshan Lee*, Berrin Tansel, (2013) "Water conservation quantities vs customer opinion and satisfaction with water efficient appliances in Miami, Florida", Journal of Environmental Management, 128, 683-689.
- Mengshan Lee*, Berrin Tansel, Maribel Balbin, (2013) "Urban sustainability incentives for residential water conservation: adoption of multiple high efficiency appliances", Water Resources Management, 27, 2531-2540.
- Wei-Tung Chang, Mengshan Lee, Walter Den*, (2013) "Simultaneous carbon capture, biomass production, and diary wastewater purification by Spirulina maxima photobioreaction", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(5), 2046-2055.
- Berrin Tansel*, Mengshan Lee, Derya Z. Tansel, (2013) "Comparison of fate profiles of PAHs in soil, sediments and mangrove leaves after oil spills by QSAR and QSPR", Marine Pollution Bulletin, 73(1), 258-262.
- Mengshan Lee*, Berrin Tansel, (2012) "Life cycle based analysis of demands and emissions for residential water-using appliances", Journal of Environmental Management, 101, 75-81.
- Mengshan Lee*, Berrin Tansel, Maribel Balbin, (2011) "Influence of residential water use efficiency measures on household water demand: a four year longitudinal study", Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 56, 1-6.
- Partial of this work is selected for inclusion in Science for Environment Policy, the European Commission's environmental news service for policymakers, and entitled as "Water efficient household appliances prove effective" (Special Issue 33, 2012).
- Mengshan Lee*, Berrin Tansel, Maribel Balbin, (2011) "Goal based water conservation projections based on historical water use data and trends in Miami-Dade County", Sustainable Cities and Society, 1, 97-103.
- Maribel Balbin, Berrin Tansel*, Mengshan Lee, (2010) "Effectiveness of Miami-Dade senior retrofit project: comparative analysis of water consumption rates & savings", Florida Water Resources Journal, 62, 14-15.
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